Sunday, June 8, 2008

And finally the secret will be exposed!!!!!

I don't know if you've guessed it, but my Dad brought a dog for the kids!
Her name is Tinkerbell and she's 2 years old. She's a shi tzu yorkie mix and sooo beautiful! We're having so much fun with her and the kids are TOTALLY in love with her. I'm so glad that she's apart of our family now!

Well, I'm sorry it's taken me awhile to get this posted. I've been SUPER busy getting ready for the baby fair that was yesterday. I finally feel that this huge weight has been lifted off! Phew!
I've made some really great contacts. I hope this will move in the right direction to get my new business to take off. We'll see. Keep your fingers crossed!

You're probably wondering what's the stuff on the right. Well, that's my "craft fair" partner and new friend, Annie. Her business name is Annie and Co. She's AMAZINGLY talented!!!! I think she has to be a clone from "Martha" or something! :) We're going to be meeting up for another fair at the beginning of August, so I better bring my A game. I need some new ideas, so I'll be heading to the book store next week to start preparing!

Oh also, be sure to look for her on Etsy soon! I think I've talked her into setting up shop there. As soon as I know her shop name, I'll make sure I post it.

One last note, for the next post it will start a little something like this: "I'm so excited..." I'm sure you can probably figure out the rest. Until then...

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