I'm back from Colorado! It's finally over! I was looking forward to being on vacation, but this one turned out to be a nightmare!
Van got altitude sickness, he also got car sick, and Matt was sick the last day coming home because he chose to be hung over! Now we're dealing with Van having bronchitis. At least we're home for this one.
So when I got home, the orders started flowing in! Good for business, but I was totally overwhelmed! I'm finally feeling like I'm catching up. :) I finished up some custom orders the other day. More chalk mats! They sure are popular without me listing them. I had to do 3 of them. Cherry, mermaid, and cupcakes. Also some tie onesies, a new pattern! I'm going to take pictures of it today so expect them in the shop in a couple of days. I also have to make 48 bag tags for a wedding.
Well it's just about that time to start preparing for the winter craft shows. I have one in Cambria at the beginning of November and one in Paso Robles at the beginning of December. I don't know if there is going to be another Morro Bay, but that one will also be in November.
I also would like to get my children scarves in the shop this month. I've got so many different designs for them. You guys have seen the red scooter scarf. I also have some Heather Bailey, Sock Monkey, a black and grey scooter, Amy Butler, and some Ginger Blossom! I can't wait for ya'll to view them! They should be done in the next couple of weeks. I'll post pictures as they're finished. So stay tuned! ;)
To my wonderful Hubby,
Happy 6th anniversary and happy birthday honey! The life we've made together means the world to me, and I love you more than ever.
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